Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Benefits Of Caregiver Information And Services In The...

. This includes information on programs designed to give caregivers a break, financial assistance programs which benefit caregivers, education and training programs, and support groups for caregivers. For caregivers who are separated from their loved one, for any reason, Senior Resources of Guilford has access to a program founded by the U.S. Administration on Aging called the Elder Care Locator. This program allows them to find caregiver information and services throughout the country. For those who do not have direct access to these programs, there are caregiver information libraries in Greensboro and High Point, which can provide access to the internet and brochures (Senior Resources). Senior Resources of Guilford also has a program†¦show more content†¦This program provides information to caregivers about services that can help lighten the financial burden, assistance in accessing those services, counseling and support groups, caregiver training, respite care, and limited supplemental services (Family Caregiver). Self care educational classes and caregiver training are available through Moses Cone medical system, High Point Regional hospital, and Adult Center for Enrichment, as well as, disease specific associations. Senior Line has a list of support groups available for caregivers so that caregivers can decide which group is best for them and their situation. There are also many other supplemental services available in the Guilford County area and those can be accessed through Senior Resources of Guilford. Some examples are services like home delivered meals, home maintenance, home modifications, and emergency assistance (Senior Resources). 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